Jan '19
Why Pray?
Jan '19
Bible Study Notes
Pastor Washington, Pastor/Teacher
Why Pray?
Jesus prayed. He labored in prayer. He was passionate about His prayer life. The disciples desire to pray grew out of what they saw Him do. Jesus is God, Who is omnipotent; omniscient. God encourages us to pray because:
- Prayer is one of the ways that our faith is confirmed. When we pray, we approach a God that we cannot see, but I is our act of faith going into His presence.
- Prayer focuses our faith. In my prayer time I can be distracted-because prayer scares the Devil. (Eph.6:11-The Whole Armor of God- to those six pieces we must add prayer). When it comes to warfare Satan hates the child of God. Prayer meeting is the least attended service in our churches. Prayer focuses our faith. Distractions are less frequent when I pray and concentrate on what I want from the Lord. I must be vigilant in prayer.
- Prayer is a sign of my dependence. What caused Adam & Eve to lose the garden was their independence. I must recognize my need for Jesus; that I am nothing without Him. I can do nothing without Him. In prayer, Jesus calls back to Him, people who rely on Him. There is an overt spirit of independence in the world today. I will never rise to the place of purpose and power in God, as long as I have unhealthy confidence in myself, thinking that ‘I’ve got THIS!’
- Prayer is a form of Worship. When we pray we must understand that we are in a great position to offer God what He is due. (Phil. 4:6-Be anxious for nothing). Ask for what you want but don’t leave His presence without thanksgiving.
- Prayer is my response to God’s invitation. When I pray I am telling God that I heard Him, and I am here. God knows everything and He still calls us to come to Him. (Jer. 33:3) “Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” God speaks through His Word, and He speaks through other people.