Our Gift of Unquestionable Duty
“Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such in reputation.” Phil. 2:29 KJV
It is no secret that the Black Church and its pastor is constantly under great scrutiny by people both inside, and outside of the church. There is much talk about what the church is or isn’t doing, and not enough talk about who the Church is, or who it belongs to, or how or why it exists. But we know that, “if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believeth not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine on them (2 Cor. 4:3-6 KJV).
It’s a known fact that wherever the gospel is preached, unless it falls on deaf ears, it has the power to change lives. It’s called the gospel because it’s the good news about the relationship between sinful man and merciful God. But we can’t hear it without a preacher. And he can’t preach unless he be sent. Pastor Washington came preaching the gospel at Shiloh more than 30 years ago, and to this day we are blessed because not only have our ears been unclogged, but our hearts also. The truth of God’s Word is powerful. Thank you Pastor, for the good news!
Unbelief is Sin, and Sin is bondage. The only way that we can be set free from the slavery of Sin is to believe in the Lord Christ Jesus. Only He can obliterate it; and the only way to truly believe in Jesus is to know Him. Pastor’s latest sermon series, “Getting to Know Jesus,” is our re-introduction to knowing him. Without a doubt, there is no denying that it is with the burning passion of Pastor’s preaching and teaching, and that of our associates and pulpit ministry that the truth of who God is makes all the difference in who we are, and what we believe. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through him. John 14:6 NKJV. His truth sets us free.
October is Clergy Appreciation Month and in preparing to honor Pastor, and our pulpit ministry I looked for biblical examples of Christian leadership in the Christian Church and discovered the relationship between Paul, Timothy & Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus, perhaps the least known of the three, was a Christian from Philippi who had been sent by the Philippian church to present a sacrificial gift, comfort, and help to Paul in his first imprisonment. While there he fell ill and almost died, but he recovered; and thanking the church for their gift Paul sent “Pap” back to the Church so that they would know his own joy, and relief that “Pap’s” life had been spared. Far from looking for piety, it upset “Pap” to think that the news of his illness had caused the church anxiety. In being there for Paul, he put himself aside to meet the greater need. Paul called him a fellow Christian, a fellow missionary, and a fellow combatant of evil.
Paul, Timothy & Epaphroditus were united in the mission; all great men of God, and all great men of service and humility to the Philippian Church (Phil.2:29-30), and in comparison so are Pastor Washington, Dr. Kelvin Redmond, Minister Vincent Golston, Minister Julius Jones & Minister Marshall Washington. They didn’t have it then, but Clergy Appreciation Month is a time set aside to pay tribute to our pastors, preachers and teachers, and it’s a good time to give them their flowers while they can smell them. Like Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus, our pastor and ministers are unselfishly doing a great work, and we count them worthy of honor, just like these biblical spiritual giants.
It’s not the only time, but it’s our time to thank them for their obedience and their sacrifice. It’s our time to lift them up and to encourage them. It’s our time to pray for them and their families. It’s our time to shower them with the love of Christ, and for us to live out the Word that we’ve been taught, and seen by their example.
Pastor said it, and I’ll repeat it: “God is at work on us and in us. He’s working with the intent of making us like His Son Jesus. Through sanctification and reconciliation He has changed the nature of our relationship with Him. He took the initiative because we could not do it ourselves. As the result we are saved, not just for ourselves but for others also.”
We thank God for Pastor Washington and our brother-ministers who have answered the call to serve at him at Shiloh and abroad. They are men of unquestionable duty, and I believe that we are all at our best when our duty becomes natural to us and we selflessly serve one another. We are blessed when we esteem others higher than ourselves.
Our clergy is our gift from God, and in Pastor Washington we have one who takes his calling seriously, and surrounds himself with men who are like-minded. None of us are perfect, but we are in the process of becoming……….. More like Jesus; and no matter what people are saying about the Church, we believe God, and we believe that He watches over His Church and the leadership that He chooses.
Thank You Pastor Washington, and all of our associate ministers. We love you.
~In recognition of Clergy Appreciation 2022 on Behalf of the Shiloh Church Family
Submitted by Deaconess Irene Gardon
Note: There is no disrespect in the reference to “Pap”, as Epaphroditus’ name. Its brevity is used In the interest of time. Its Greek meaning is handsome.