I Sin…

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Cor. 5:21 NJKV

Reflecting on Pastor’s past sermons, I don’t know if we understand the depths of Sin, or how it impacts us. We know there is a devil, and we proclaim that he made us do it, i.e. Serve Sin. Recently, in the midst of the night, just before dawn I was awakened with the question, what did God do with Sin? Why is it still here?

It was a question that caused me to sit up, and get up. Much like my least favorite commercial it was something that I had to ponder. Have you seen the commercial of a full grown male sitting on the beach eating strawberry licorice and wondering ‘Why can’t I wear white after Labor Day?’ How silly. Of all the things to think about, I found myself thinking about Sin. Not so silly. When I see the commercial I think does this man have nothing better to do than sit on the beach, and worry about wearing white after Labor Day? Aren’t there more serious matter, like Sin? Make the decision already and move on.

But the question of sin is not like that. It won’t leave me alone. It’s a three letter word with “I” in the middle. It won’t let go of its grip on me, and it bothers me because I feel that all that is wrong in the world is caused by that three letter word with “I” in the middle. We’ve heard countless sermons on Sin, but I’m not sure we understand it. I’m not sure if I understand it. I get its impact, but I don’t know how to stop it. I know that God hates it. I know that it offends Him. I know that He became Sin for us. I know that we are servants of Sin. That makes Sin our Master, but I don’t know how to retire from it. I don’t know why I can’t leave it alone, or why it won’t leave me alone. It’s hard for us to confess our sins because we think we’re ok, or maybe it’s just me. Am I in control of it, or is it in control of me, I wonder.

When I looked for a definition of Sin that I could understand The Ferdmans Bible Dictionary said this; “Sin in essence is the failure or refusal of human beings to live the life intended for them by God, their creator. The biblical terminology for sin as an act (and its commission) as well as a human condition is extensive. In the Hebrew (verb) it is synonymous with “missing the mark,” “fail,” or related words “transgress,” “ iniquity,” or “wicked” in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament terminology, in the Greek (Noun), it is defined as “evil,” “injustice, unrighteousness” and related words “transgress, and “lawlessness.” Ferdmans goes on to say, “Sin as a characteristic of human beings is manifested in the committing of “sins,” individual acts of rebellion against God and against expressions of his intentions for humanity. Sin in its ultimate sense is offense against God.”

O yea, God is Holy and I think we tend to forget that because we cannot see Him. But when I think of His holiness, I begin to understand how offensive my thoughts, behavior, and attitude can be, in light of who He is, I immediately want to hide. But hiding isn’t the answer. Pastor said it in his series of sermons on “Becoming,” in the ministry of reconciliation, God alone has provided what He required, and through the pleasure of His goodwill, and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, we are forgiven, and now we are the children of God: His sons and daughters. We’re in the family. He is my Father, and even when I fall short of His glory, My Father who is God corrects me, but He never stops loving me.

The Bible has a lot to say about Sin. We know that its origin began with mankind’s fall “in the garden.” We know that sin arises not out of the creation of mankind, but rather from the way in which mankind exercises free will. When we deny the truth of God’s Word (What has God Said!?) then we are exhibiting the behavior of Sin. When we deny who Christ is and what He has done, we are serving Sin.

To hear him clearly, we must understand who God is. And we must obey. The fundamental effect of sin on us is alienation from God, but He redeemed us. Formerly separated, He brought us back to Himself. Through Jesus Christ, He made a way. Scripture tells us that He has always wanted a relationship with us. He came for us. We did not go looking for Him. In the “Becoming” Sermon, Pastor said that God wrapped Himself up in human skin, and came down from Heaven- to be with us. He came through a virgin birth in the Person of His Son. He allowed Himself to be disrespected, although He is King; to be spat upon, although He is crowned in glory; to be mocked, although He is the judge, and He made a mockery of Sin and death by His victory over it all.

I am guilty of every offense against God, and so unworthy. That’s my sin nature. But in those moments when I am feeling the most-guilty, I am reminded of His forgiveness and His sacrifice. “I” may be in the middle of Sin, but Jesus is on the throne of Heaven making intercession for me- and you.

What did Jesus do with Sin? He squashed it, and I am free! The God of Heaven reigns.

I get discouraged with the lawlessness of this world and that causes me to take my eyes off Him, but it’s important to remember what Jesus has done- given us freewill, and made a way for us to be right with Him. I don’t have to serve Sin. Jesus chose me, and I have a choice…… to choose Him.
Submitted by Deaconess Irene Gardon