The Brokenness of A Man
Most of the men in my generation remember the street bravado that we ran into when roaming our neighborhood. Stepping on another kids brand new sneakers was like putting your life at risk. Marc Bain wrote an article in November 2015 that stated that 1,200 people were killed each year over sneakers.[1] Kevin Smith wrote an article in February 2014 titled, “How to React When Someone Steps On Your Sneakers”[2] where he gives 10 reactions to someone stepping on another person’s sneakers. King David was the poster child for the reaction of a person whose sneakers you would never want to have stepped on. When David’s men came back and told him how Nabal reacted to King David’s friendly greeting David’s response was, “Put on your swords”, 1 Samuel 25:13 ERV. People didn’t step on David’s shoes and get away with it. Stepping on a man’s new ‘kicks’ was a sign of disrespect or an indication that a person had been ‘dis’. When the Prophet Nathan told David the story about how the rich man disrespected the poor man, King David’s immediate reaction was extreme anger but it turned out that the story was about him, “And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man”, 2 Samuel 12:7 KJV. The brokenness of a man starts with the truth. Even though King David had committed adultery with an innocent man’s wife and set the man up to be killed so David could hide his sin, David did not become broken up about what he had done until the Prophet Nathan confronted him with the truth. The truth is that the only people that please God are those that have a broken and humble heart, “The sacrifices God wants are a broken spirit. A broken and crushed heart, O God, you will not despise”, Psalm 51:17 EHV. God resist those that have a high opinion of themselves or refuse to obey His commands, “…when Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not”, 1 Samuel 28:6 KJV. God is so determined to break and crush our spirit so that we become more willing to obey His Word that He will even go as far as to put challenges or people in our lives that will help break us, “…lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure”, 2 Corinthians 12:7 KJV.
[1] https://qz.com/554784/1200-people-are-killed-each-year-over-sneakers/
[2] https://www.complex.com/sneakers/2014/02/how-to-react-when-someone-steps-on-your-shoes-dave-chapelle
What Consecration Really Means…
Consecration is a special time for Shiloh. We not only see a brand-new year of our lives, but we also have the opportunity to rededicate ourselves to the ministry in which we were assigned. However, what does it really mean? What does it mean to be consecrated to the ministry and work of the church?
The Old Testament references the example of Aaron and his sons who were consecrated to “minister unto God in the priest’s office (Exodus 28:41). In this act or ceremony, God gave specific instructions to consecrate priests for this work (Exodus 29:1-44). But is this enough? Is the attending of a ceremony the only thing required of us as leaders in ministry? The answer, of course, is no. The act of consecration is far more than ceremony. The ceremony is the outward showing of our rededication. But each of us must personally rededicate and commit ourselves to the work and ministry of the church. You’ll notice that in the New Testament, that the word, consecration is not mentioned at all. Let’s examine why this may be.
Consecration is defined as to make holy or to dedicate to a higher purpose. You are being set aside for a specific purpose. It is simply a declaration. In the Old Testament, to note this, sacrifices were made. Animals, were set apart and sacrificed as part of the consecration ceremony. The sacrifice was something given to God for Him to use as He pleased. However, Paul said in Romans 12:1 that we all should “present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service”. We are the sacrifice that are set aside and given to God for Him to use us as He pleases. Our Pastor has been teaching from the book of Romans and emphasizes the rededication and the giving of ourselves to the Lord. This act is personal and if done sincerely and whole-heartedly, the real rededication of our hearts and lives will have already taken place and when we stand before the church the outward ceremony will truly be representative of what God has already done in our hearts.
Focus on Consecration